One Heart One Mind Ministries

One Heart One MindMinistries
All the believers were in one heart one mind Acts 4:32

Our Mission
The Harvest Is Plentiful, the Laborers Few
35 And Jesus went throughout all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues and proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom and healing every disease and every affliction. 36 When he saw the crowds, he had compassion for them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. 37 Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; 38 therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.”

Who We Are
One Heart One Mind Ministries is dedicated to spreading the Gospel, through the power and hope of Jesus Christ to communities worldwide. Starting in the home front of Colorado, to mission fields in Africa. We will endeavor to accomplish this through discipleship training, founded on Gods Word and guided by the Holy Spirit through deep worship and prayer. One Heart and One Mind aims to encounter the Holy Spirit, as the first century disciples did. We will accomplish the mission to spread the gospel through our various outreach initiatives and by meeting the needs of the homeless the widow and orphan at home and abroad. We aim to make a positive impact on the lives of individuals, and families. Our mission is to uplift, empower, and support those in need, while growing the Kingdom of God in a world searching for Hope.
Home Church

The Secret Place Fellowship
A time of food and togetherness in intimate and Immersive worship and prayer.
Saturdays 4pm-8pm
Kids Quest
Children need Jesus too, bible craft lesson, lunch and free explorative play; Tuesdays during bible study and Wednesdays 11:00-2:00pm
One Year Through the Bible
Enriching study with the One year Chronological Bible:
Tuesdays 9:30 am - 11:30 am
feeding and nurturing uganda orphans
Our Home Church Fellowship is simply the humble beginnings of what we see the disciples do in the book of Acts chapter 4. The disciples had everything in common and shared in food and fellowship daily worship and prayer. Though our vision is to one day have a bigger facility, as God adds to our fellowship. We are so grateful to be gathering in one heart and one mind through immersive prayer and worship and encountering the Holy Spirit with the enrichment of fellowship. We hope you would reach out and grow with us, if you are seeking a place to grow! Our prayer is to see revival break out in Crestone and the San Louis Valley as a whole. Give us a call our phone number is below.
To make Gospel-Centered, Holy Spirit Filled Disciples,
following after Jesus Christ and His Commission in spreading the Gospel and setting the captives free
as it says in Mathew28:19-20 Mark16:15-20 Luke24:49
To effectively minister the Gospel of of Jesus Christ and His Kingdom, in our community to those searching for hope and truth.
To grow mature disciples of Jesus, sparking revival in the believers heart, while bringing heaven to earth.
Make a donation
This donation form allows you to partner and support, what we are doing here on the home front. Your donation supports our local outreach fund and the discipleship team, which in turn allows us to spread the gospel and also supporting those in need.
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